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Bought a new GPU but my games don't perform much better



Tech Intern
Jun 21, 2022
Reaction score
Motherboard: Aorus B450M
CPU: Ryzen 7 2700x
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6650X (Upgraded from a RX 580 Armor MK2)
Ram 16 GB

So I bought a new GPU and got the professionals to install it and everything. Went home expecting to play escape from tarkov on much better FPS. I do get slightly better FPS I was getting about 30-40 at first with the original GPU, now I'm getting 50-60. This is still not the performance boost I was expecting, I should definitely be hitting 90+ consistently, apart from this I lag spike constantly. I am assuming its my CPU bottlenecking my GPU hard after this massive GPU upgrade but I assumed a 2700x would keep up just fine. My motherboard can only max out a 5800x, my question is, will a 5800x do my PC justice? I don't want to waste anymore money, if upgrading the CPU will give me equal to just a slight better performance than I rather save my money and buy an entirely new PC.
I compare my build with my buddy's who has a i7-4790K and a 1070ti. He can play Tarkov on 90-120FPS. My GPU is wayyy better than a 1070 so why am I not getting better or at least equal results?

I didn't realize there was a gaming thread, pls move if this is not in the correct thread
Jerry James

Jerry James

Hardware Nerd @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 19, 2020
Reaction score
Motherboard: Aorus B450M
CPU: Ryzen 7 2700x
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6650X (Upgraded from a RX 580 Armor MK2)
Ram 16 GB

So I bought a new GPU and got the professionals to install it and everything. Went home expecting to play escape from tarkov on much better FPS. I do get slightly better FPS I was getting about 30-40 at first with the original GPU, now I'm getting 50-60. This is still not the performance boost I was expecting, I should definitely be hitting 90+ consistently, apart from this I lag spike constantly. I am assuming its my CPU bottlenecking my GPU hard after this massive GPU upgrade but I assumed a 2700x would keep up just fine. My motherboard can only max out a 5800x, my question is, will a 5800x do my PC justice? I don't want to waste anymore money, if upgrading the CPU will give me equal to just a slight better performance than I rather save my money and buy an entirely new PC.
I compare my build with my buddy's who has a i7-4790K and a 1070ti. He can play Tarkov on 90-120FPS. My GPU is wayyy better than a 1070 so why am I not getting better or at least equal results?

I didn't realize there was a gaming thread, pls move if this is not in the correct thread
Escape from Tarkov hits the CPU quite hard, so it's possible that your CPU is bottlenecking your card. However, if your friend is getting 90-120 on a 4790K, you should be getting pretty close to that number easily.
Did you try doing a DDU driver removal and then reinstalling the Radeon drivers?