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Correct PC for the Software


Troy Heflin

Just read the newest (October 2020) article on building a computer for 3d animation.
Have been away for 2 years. Returning with plans to build with Hexagon and use Daz3d.
Expect to follow your recommendations for PC around $2000 and new monitor. Here's
the question: Am I wasting my time just using Daz3d or should I move on in order to
build Genesis 8 clothing etc.? Want to animate for my own entertainment and build
items and render. Asking too much for the software and the computer?
Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
Reaction score
The 2k$ PC recommend will run any modern 3D-Software just fine. Including Hexagon and Daz3D, although those two are not among the most professional of 3D-Apps that you can use today. But it all depends on how familiar you are with it and you can do pretty much anything in all of the 3d apps nowadays.

If you're not looking to make a job out of it, and just do 3d for entertainment, I'd say those two are fine. :)