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Intel Core i9-12900K or AMD Ryzen 9 5950X ?



Hi, excellent forum and topics.

My son started using blender for 3D animation, rendering, etc.
I need to buy a new computer but don't know which is better an Intel Core i9-12900K or AMD Ryzen 9 5950X ? I will use a rtx3070. A computer with those components is around $2,500.
Don't know if these spec are higher for a beginner, my son has 14 years.

Pleade advise if I need to buy a computer with these spec or since my son is a beginner it is recommended to buy something different.

Also, which of the two cpu is better.

Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
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While you'll see slightly higher performance on the 12900K, it comes at a significant increase in power-draw. DDR5 RAM and the z690 Motherboard itself, too will most likely be considerably more expensive than the x570/b550 + DDR4 RAM on the 5950X. That said, both are excellent for Blender, Animation and Rendering, and since the GPU is more important for rendering in Cycles, the CPU won't make a huge difference here.

The slightly higher single-core performance of the 12900k will make Blender's viewport smoother on complex projects.

So long story short, if you're comparing a 12900k system vs a 5950X system at the same price and power-draw is not important to you, the 12900k will be slightly faster.
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Thanks Alex
Alex what do you think of a computer with an Intel Core i9-11900KF (11th Gen) and an rtx 3070? It is around $500 less than the computer with amd 5950x or 12900K.

Can a difference in performance when it is used for blender rendering and Blender's viewport on complex projects be noticed, when compare the i9-11900KF with the amd 5953x and 12900K?



While you'll see slightly higher performance on the 12900K, it comes at a significant increase in power-draw. DDR5 RAM and the z690 Motherboard itself, too will most likely be considerably more expensive than the x570/b550 + DDR4 RAM on the 5950X. That said, both are excellent for Blender, Animation and Rendering, and since the GPU is more important for rendering in Cycles, the CPU won't make a huge difference here.

The slightly higher single-core performance of the 12900k will make Blender's viewport smoother on complex projects.

So long story short, if you're comparing a 12900k system vs a 5950X system at the same price and power-draw is not important to you, the 12900k will be slightly faster.
Thanks Alex
Alex what do you think of a computer with an Intel Core i9-11900KF (11th Gen) and an rtx 3070? It is around $500 less than the computer with amd 5950x or 12900K.

Can a difference in performance when it is used for blender rendering and Blender's viewport on complex projects be noticed, when compare the i9-11900KF with the amd 5953x and 12900K?
Jerry James

Jerry James

Hardware Nerd @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 19, 2020
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Thanks Alex
Alex what do you think of a computer with an Intel Core i9-11900KF (11th Gen) and an rtx 3070? It is around $500 less than the computer with amd 5950x or 12900K.

Can a difference in performance when it is used for blender rendering and Blender's viewport on complex projects be noticed, when compare the i9-11900KF with the amd 5953x and 12900K?
The 11900KF has fewer cores than both the pricier alternatives, and we generally don't really recommend the 11900K as an option because it's not great value. As Alex said, they're plagued by the same problems of excessive power draw for not too much performance gain. For beginners, an 8-core CPU should be enough so you could look into either an Intel 11700K / 11700KF or AMD Ryzen 7 5800X.

For 12th Gen Intel, Core i7 12700K and Core i5 12600K are the only decent options in the lineup. But again, platform costs for building a 12th Gen system are higher than the above alternatives for not too much extra performance.