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My first build for 3d modeling and rendering. (3dsMax+Lumion) I need advices :)



Tech Assistant
Jan 29, 2022
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Hi everyone!

This is the build for now: " https://pcpartpicker.com/user/53muratdemircan/saved/#view=CvLDjX "

I want to build a pc for modeling and rendering purposes.

I'm Murat from Turkey. Newegg and Amazon work fine for me.
My budget is around $(5k-6k)
I'll use 3dsMax+Corona Renderer, Lumion, and hopefully Unreal Engine.

I'll try to explain why I picked the specific parts...

I compared two CPUs and decided on 5950x. Then, I got some recommendations about changing AMD with Intel-I9-12900KF. This one has better single-thread performance but not sure if this makes it better than 5950x. I added a screenshot about this.

And motherboard, someone recommended me Asus Strix B550-XE Gaming Wifi (I first chose an X570 from MSI before), and then someone else recommended Asus Strix B550-F Gaming Wifi. Not much of a difference between them I think.

I thought I can use Samsung SSD for windows and other software,
Seagate SSD for the project files I'll be working on,
HDDs are mostly for storing 3d models/materials/finished projects...

Lumion is a real hardware monster.
In the link below; the High-end requirements section says 64GB and more. So, I want that 128GB of ram and AMD says on their official page, 5950x supports 3200 MHZ. I added a screenshot about this too.

I'm also in between these 3 beauties.
The Fractal Torrent, the HZXT 510 Flow, and the Be Quiet Silent Base 802. I'm close to the first two, actually, especially to their appearances :)
Ps. I checked the recommendations on the site and the Fractal Design Define and the NZXT H510 cases are recommended. Not sure about Fractal Design Define but H510 has bad airflow as far as I know. I like the new H510 Flow but I am still afraid about its airflow and its size is smaller than the Fractal Torrent as well.

About monitors... I did some research and find out that sRGB support is important for colors. (correct me if I'm wrong) But most of the professional monitors that support sRGB have low HZ rates like 60 or 75. I also want to play games from time to time. Any recommendations? I'll probably get 1 monitor at first, and hopefully a second one later on.

In short, I'm a bit confused :)



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Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
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I compared two CPUs and decided on 5950x
Good decision
B550 is generally fine but in your case with two pcie4 nvme ssds, I'd advise going with x570. B550 has just pie3 x4 chipset downlink. MSI Unify comes to mind here.

HDDs are mostly for storing 3d models/materials/finished projects
Yes use these for inactive things like backups and archiving, or modelrepositories. Anything that you need for active work should be stored on your fast nvme ssds.

5950x supports 3200 MHZ
Officially, yes. But with XMP support you can also run RAM Modules with support of 3600MHz or more.

bad airflow as far as I know
All of the cases you listed will be fine with those components at stock clocks and an adequate number of case fans that are configured correctly.

sRGB support
It's not really support, but rather color spectrum coverage. For a wider color spectrum coverage and therefore accuracy, you can also check things like AdobeRGB or DCI-P3. Check our Monitor guide here.

There are definitely high-refresh rate monitors that allow you to game while having high color accuracy. Look for IPS panel monitors with low response times, high refresh rates (e.g. 144hz) such as Asus ROG.
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Tech Assistant
Jan 29, 2022
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Good decision

B550 is generally fine but in your case with two pcie4 nvme ssds, I'd advise going with x570. B550 has just pie3 x4 chipset downlink. MSI Unify comes to mind here.

Yes use these for inactive things like backups and archiving, or modelrepositories. Anything that you need for active work should be stored on your fast nvme ssds.

Officially, yes. But with XMP support you can also run RAM Modules with support of 3600MHz or more.

All of the cases you listed will be fine with those components at stock clocks and an adequate number of case fans that are configured correctly.

It's not really support, but rather color spectrum coverage. For a wider color spectrum coverage and therefore accuracy, you can also check things like AdobeRGB or DCI-P3. Check our Monitor guide here.

There are definitely high-refresh rate monitors that allow you to game while having high color accuracy. Look for IPS panel monitors with low response times, high refresh rates (e.g. 144hz) such as Asus ROG.
Thank you so much, Alex! :)


Tech Assistant
Nov 27, 2021
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Hi Murat,

1TB for Windows and Applications is mega-overkill unless you intend to partition the drive and use all the empty space for another purpose. 250GB would be more than ample and you would struggle to use half of that.
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Tech Assistant
Jan 29, 2022
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Hi Murat,

1TB for Windows and Applications is mega-overkill unless you intend to partition the drive and use all the empty space for another purpose. 250GB would be more than ample and you would struggle to use half of that.
Hi Magneto,

I actually now use 500GB SSD and the empty space is around 40GB. I even delete some old files, clean the unnecessary files as windows update remains, etc. I think it's mostly the Lumion software that uses C drive to store all the components etc. I'm not able to change that location which Lumion uses.
I'll not have any partitions on that 1TB SSD.

Thanks for your reply.


Tech Assistant
Nov 27, 2021
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Hi Magneto,

I actually now use 500GB SSD and the empty space is around 40GB. I even delete some old files, clean the unnecessary files as windows update remains, etc. I think it's mostly the Lumion software that uses C drive to store all the components etc. I'm not able to change that location which Lumion uses.
I'll not have any partitions on that 1TB SSD.

Thanks for your reply.
Ah, my pardon Murat! Gosh, ok. Perhaps Lumion stores many resources there, (I knoe nothing about Lumion - so hush my mouth)!