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"No signal" on XP-Pen display with custom pc



Ok so I'm a gamer and an artist. I built my own pc with a ryzen 7 and a 3060 ti graphics card. I just got a XP-Pen artist pro display tablet and set it up per directions, but when I power it on it just says no signal and powers off.

I've been at this for over an hour and it occurred to me that my mobo has no onboard graphics. I'm not sure if this is my root problem or what. My graphics card only has one hdmi slot, so I'm a bit stumped. Ive just been plugging the tablet into the mobo hdmi slot. I'm not sure if an hdmi splitter would solve my problem.
This is my first time posting to a forum so I hope I included everything. Any info helps 🙏🏽
Jerry James

Jerry James

Hardware Nerd @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 19, 2020
Reaction score
My graphics card only has one hdmi slot, so I'm a bit stumped. Ive just been plugging the tablet into the mobo hdmi slot. I'm not sure if an hdmi splitter would solve my problem.
Ah yes, the motherboard display port won't work when you have discrete GFX. You'll need another display out on your graphics card. Does it have any other ports? A DVI, maybe?