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Cinema4D and Redshift PC


Adam Kelly


I am a Visual Artist working almost exclusively in Cinema4D and Redshift. I am looking for a new PC (probably pre-built) and looking for some advice.
It seems to me that I should place a big focus on GPU. In my current system (a Windows Surface Book 2 with a 1050) this is definitely the biggest bottleneck in my work (sometimes I get GPU memory run out errors)

- Budget: 700-900 EUR
- Main workloads: Cinema4D, Redshift - Secondary workloads: Photoshop, Illustrator etc.
- Upgradability: I am certainly interested in upgrading to dual GPU in the future. It seems to me this could reduce render times dramatically and therefore perhaps I need a motherboard that can facilitate this?
- Country: Netherlands - local EU countries also possible.

I saw this option online which seemed a good deal for me, anyone have any opinions on this?

Thanks for your help!
Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
Reaction score
That PC seems like a solid deal, though note that with that b450 Motherboard you won't be able to add another gpu. Same with the PSU, you'll need a stronger PSU for driving two GPUs.

It will probably be difficult to find a pre-build / off-the-shelf PC that allows you to do such considerable updates in the future without swapping out certain parts like the motherboard or PSU.

If you'd like to build yourself, of course there are endless possibilities to make your PC futureproof.

The parts themselves are great for that kind of budget, you just won't be able to upgrade without swapping out the PSU and Motherboard.