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GPU with cooling - units too large to fit more then two



I installed two Nvidia 1070 Ti on my desktop; the units come with hybrid cooling. The problem is that while the motherboard could carry four graphic cards the bulk of the cooling unit only leave space for two. What are the options?

Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
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If you mean AIO Water Cooled GPUs, then you'll probably just need a bigger case to be able to mount the radiators on the sides or top/bottom of the case? Of course, if you had dual-slot blower style cooled gpus, chances are you could fit 4 of those on a regular mainboard without having to get a bigger case. What other components does your PC consist of? (apart from the two 1070tis?)


If you mean AIO Water Cooled GPUs, then you'll probably just need a bigger case to be able to mount the radiators on the sides or top/bottom of the case? Of course, if you had dual-slot blower style cooled gpus, chances are you could fit 4 of those on a regular mainboard without having to get a bigger case. What other components does your PC consist of? (apart from the two 1070tis?)
Thanks and sorry for the long delay; haven't checked this in a while. Making the casing bigger wouldn't really help cause the real problem is how small the gap is between card slots on the motherboard. I was thinking of some sort of cable to go from the motherboard slot to the card so I may position it somewhere else in the casing or maybe a different system of cooling? None of the other components is really in the way; here are some pics https://ibb.co/rv9Yt8m https://ibb.co/gjykVm9
Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
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Yes that's what PCIE Riser Cards are for. You can just extend the slot and place the card somewhere else. The space in your images does look like a dual slot height though. What height (thickness) is your GPU you want to place there?

Check this post: https://www.cgdirector.com/best-pcie-riser-extension-cables/


That's just what I had in mind, thanks. They're not exactly dual slot since I can still access the slots that are not in use. My idea was to get an additional card just like the others and place it somwhere else in the casing though I am not sure how to bridge the three. I suppose I could get a card with a different, more compact cooling system but that's assuming that as long as it's the same model of graphic card it will still be able to work in tandem with the other regardless of cooling system.
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