Hey guys, just wanted to post a little update on this.....so the machine is definitely faster within specific things, but still a lot of lag in After Effects, especially when I have ALL the tools that I use TURNED ON....specifically motion blur and DOF. Element 3D is absolutely screaming up to the moment I turn on motion blur and depth of field....it's actually slower than my old machine in this case. Wondering if I'm doing something wrong with my setup.
@Pitsch , how is your machine running in AE with motion blur and DOF turned on? You don't happen to use Element 3D by any chance do you?
In my experience, in 99% of the cases this is an Adobe or AE or plugin compatibility issue.
The hardware you got (13900k,4090,right?) is the best there is for the tools you list here.
Things to check
- windows display scaling. This can screw up gpu hardware acc at times, turn on, off, etc try if it makes a diffefence
- make sure the plugins are actually set to use the gpu not cpu
- newest nvidia driver, test game ready driver and creator driver
- are you using the same AE and plugin versions as compared to your old pc? If not, have there been any updates that might impact performance?
- turn off disc cache
- check different audio hardware modes in AE preferences. This at times brings a host of issues for RAM previews
- definitely check with gpuz if the gpu is actually being properly utilized (sensors vram/utilization/load)
And of course the first thing to do is run benchmarks of cpu and gpu to see if they are performing as expected. Cinebench and octane bench come to mind.